Rubonia Still Feeling Effects Of Heavy Flooding After Idalia: Manatee

Rubonia Still Feeling Effects Of Heavy Flooding After Idalia: Manatee

RUBONIA, FL — As Manatee County recovers from the effects of Hurricane Idalia, which passed by the region Wednesday before hitting Florida’s Big Bend area as a Category 3 storm, the Rubonia community was the area hardest hit by heavy flooding, according to a Manatee County news release.

Thursday saw county crews responding to the community, which lies along Terra Ceia Bay, for the second day in a row.

Representatives from the county’s Community and Veterans Services Department went door-to-door to assess any “unmet human needs” in the wake of the flooding, the county said.

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County staff distributed water and Gatorade to residents, as well.

The American Red Cross is also helping residents in the Rubonia area. Those whose homes were damaged in the hurricane can call the agency at 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767.)

Other local groups will coordinate with the city to assist in this neighborhood over the next several days, the county said.


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